Fiore basic syllabus

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The Armizare syllabus is divided into two parts, Basic and Advanced. The Basic syllabus has four levels, the Advanced has three. Each level is identified by a symbol, drawn from the School logo. By completion of these seven levels the student will be deeply competent in our core style of medieval knightly combat, be familiar with the other major styles, and able to follow their own interests to direct their own future development. (Note that all references are to the Getty MS unless stated otherwise.)

Level One, Tower

Mechanics and Conditioning:

  • The basic guard position

*Standing Step drill (aka push-hands)

  • Basic falling, solo
  • Stick avoidance drill

Understanding of safe training, control, and School etiquette


  • Fiore footwork: 4 steps: accrescere, discrescere, passare, tornare; 3 turns: volta stabile, meza volta, tutta volta

* Four unarmed poste: longa, dente de zenghiaro, frontale, porta di ferro


The meaning of the terms remedy, counter-remedy and counter-counter-remedy

  • Fendente disarm (fourth master)
* Sottano disarm (ninth master) * Ninth remedy master (against sotto): disarm only


  • Five of The 12 guards: Tutta porta di ferro, posta di donna (both sides), posta longa, posta frontale, dente di zenghiaro
  • Two of the Seven * Blows: Fendente, Sottano

* Sword handling drillup, down, around, around.

* The salute

* First drill

*Second drill

Level Two, Arrow

Mechanics and Conditioning

  • Guard position analysis with pressure

  • Volta stabile and pass with pressure

* The footwork combinations: 1) accressere fora di strada, passare alla traversa, 2) accressere, 3 passi, with tutta volta.
  • Able to competently warm up self


* The 5 things: disarm, strike, lock, break, takedown Five things from four lines


  • All of the Blows, including the Mezani, and the 5 Punte

*All of The 12 guards 

*Sword handling drill 3: six grips Breaking the thrust

*Breaking the thrust

Level Three, Heart

Mechanics and Conditioning

*Knee massage: Self Massage

*Grip grounding (edges and point, with sword)



  • Dagger versus dagger: masters 6 and 8


*Woman in the Window

  • Using the Pell and Tyre

Level Four, Dividers

Mechanics and Conditioning

  • Perfect push-ups (shoulder stabilisation)
  • Perfect squats (hip, ankle, knee alignment)
  • Able to competently lead a class warm up



*First Drill zogho stretto

Additional Resources