Punta Falsa

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This play comes at the end of the zogho largo section, and represents in effect a riposte by feint. It is usually taught as a variation on First Drill

Io mostro de venire cum grande forza por ferir lo zugadore cum colpo mezano in la testa. E subito chello fa la coverta io fiero la sua spada lizeramente. E subito volto la spada mia de laltra parte piglando la mia spada cum la mane mia mancha quasi al mezo. E la punta gli metto subita in la gola o in lo petto.

I show that I am coming with great force to strike the player with a middle blow in the head. And immediately that he makes the cover I strike his sword lightly. And immediately turn my sword to the other side, grabbing my sword with my left hand about at the middle. And I place the thrust immediately in the throat or in the chest. (Trans. mine)

(The current video was shot as a quick reference for sharing this new interpretation with my colleagues. A proper syllabus video is coming)